
Showing posts from December, 2011

This course save my life~ =D

Hari ni ada kelas Dr Spahic Omer.Lecturer feveret dan subjek feveret; Ethics & Fiqh for Everyday Life.Subject yang pada aku satu-satunya yang buat aku berfikir luar galaksi.Walaupun tajuk course dia ala-ala-->Mari Belajar ABC, Mari Mewarna,etc kalau nak letak masa zaman tadika dulu.Benda basic.Basic sangat sampai kita lupa. Hari ni belajar tajuk--->Plastic Surgery (sebenarnya..ulang topic last class..) Tapi yang nak kata kat sini, about Islamic vs Western Perseption of Beauty[Visions of life,Clash of Worldview] He did mention something yang aku terus jotted down.Catchy dan sangat-sangat berkait dengan keadaan semasa aku sekarang. *beautiful is a real/genuine thing.Beautiful is not fictional/evil thing. *beautiful is a thing that LASTS as such.Beautiful is not a thing that perishes. *Islam wants its followers to live real/genuinely happy and beautiful lives.It is foolish to live fictious/imaginary lives and lives based only on memories/nostalgia.Only FOOLS live for the...